Artist- Ming Min Wang / DouDou
Photo taken at National Gallery of Art
My artistic practice lies at the intersection of painting, printmaking, and sculpture; conjoining traditional, non-traditional, contemporary; western and oriental elements. Oil pigment is a primary medium through which I converse with canvas, and the negotiable conversation between me and canvas is intense and constant.
My recent works deeply express my feeling with the unpredictable nature. The same as nature , everything is unknown before, and during my painting process. I sculpt, drip, scrape and sprinkle thin or thick oil pigments over the layers of canvas repeatedly; I let brush dances around with its own rhythm and decency; I let my painting be free from any restrictions; I allow them to express their own emotion, as they are part of me, and part of me is in them ; we keep debating back and forth - until -we both agree: Okay ~ let’s dance Waltz together!
For me, the process of the solitary painting is also the process of discovering and self-introspection.
我的近作表达了我对于不可预测的大自然深切地感受和感悟。就如不可预测的大自然,在创作之前和绘画的过程中的一切都是我所未知和不能预测的。我让笔刷随其自己的流步与韵律自由的在画布上舞蹈;同时,我在画布上自由地雕塑,滴沥,或者刮削;我的画布,在反反复复层层叠叠的油彩中渐渐浓郁。我纵容自己的画面从任何的约束中获得自由;我允许她任性地表现她的情感,因为她是有生命的- - - 就如她是我的一部分,我的一部分也在其中间;我们一直处于来回相互引领的辩论中-直到我们双方同意:来,让我们共跳一曲华尔滋吧!